2019 -Project Croissant: Install Chrome OS on any Computer - Google Chro...

#ChromeOS #ChromiumOS #LiveHD #ProjectCroissant #ArnoldTheBatsBuilds #RenatoZX

Forget about installing to the HDD/SDD. I found a very easy way to get the Chrome OS to the HDD/SDD/USB Flash Drive with out doing an installation.

If interested I will make a how-to video on how to do it. I have 2 Laptops working with no problems.

In this video I'm going to talk about the Project Croissant: Install Chrome OS on any Computer - Transforming Chromium to Chrome.




I FOUND an EASY WAY to RUN Google Chrome OS

on ANY Computer. I will have a How to video

on how-to do that.


This Guide will be for Computers with

NO Operating Systems.





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Today I will dual-boot Chrome OS with Ubuntu 19.04

I will record the installation.


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