2016 - Solus - Intro, Download,Verify & Create a Live USB - October 29

2016 - Solus - Intro, Download,Verify & Create a Live USB - October 29

Solus has the Budgie & Mate Desktop Enviroment.

Info From Solus website:


Solus is an operating system that is designed for modern personal computing devices, e
very tweak enabling us to deliver a singular, cohesive desktop experience.

Designed for Everyone

Budgie is the flagship desktop of Solus, designed with the modern user in mind.
It focuses on simplicity and elegance, while providing you the flexibility
to make it your own. It also enables you to gain quick access to notifications
as well as features like media playback controls, system settings, calendar, and more!


Solus is built from scratch and supported by the community,
providing us the freedom to provide the best experience
without being beholden to the interests of other projects or corporate agendas.

Stable and Secure:

Solus provides a stable and reliable platform for computing
while keeping your favorite applications up-to-date and your system secure..

Install today. Updates forever.

For Older Computers Try First Solus Mate


Use Torrent is the Best Choice to Download.

Use Firefox with a Extension Called Downthemall, it's a Download Manager & gives you the Options to Verify the Checksum of the Downloaded File.
It's Only Avalaible on Firefox.


Solus Budie:
SHA256 Checksum: 50a1c093bbbeb7ce8d6a778d6abf148a5694a601ff601ef8d5f2cd6fc76f9876
sha256sum Solus-1.2.1.iso

Solus Mate:
SHA256 Checksum: 5898b502e34a2c77871e55b3dd3b3b5d525d98da48868901ad04fa14b12424e9
sha256sum Solus-1.2.1-MATE.iso

Online Checksum Site:

Live USB Creator for Windows Users:

I Will Make How-to Videos on How to install Solus + Solus Mate.

I Created this Video from Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon Edition

SimpleScreenRecorder one of the Best GNU+Linux
Screen Recorder:

Screenshots of this Video on Google Photos:
